가을의 아름다운 날씨를 즐기시고 계시길 바랍니다!
이번주 10월 12일은 Thanksgiving Day 연휴로 한글학교 수업이 없음을 알려드립니다.
즐거운 연휴 되시고 그 다음주에 뵙겠습니다.
Hello OKCS
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you.
가을의 아름다운 날씨를 즐기시고 계시길 바랍니다!
이번주 10월 12일은 Thanksgiving Day 연휴로 한글학교 수업이 없음을 알려드립니다.
즐거운 연휴 되시고 그 다음주에 뵙겠습니다.
Hello OKCS
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you.
3. 준비물
1. First day of school: Saturday, September 7, 2024
Please complete your child(ren)’s registration by August 30 for us to finalize classes
2. Registration
For NEW students: please use the link below to register
2024/25 학생등록이 시작 되었습니다. 새로 한글학교에 입학 하는 학생들은 아래의 링크를 통하여 등록을 하여주시고, 기존에 한글학교에서 수업을 받던 학생들은 이미 교육청으로 부터 간단한 등록양식을 메일로 받으셨을것입니다. 혹시 기존학생중에 아직 이등록양식을 교육청으로 부터 받지 못한 학생이 있으면 한글학교(ottawakoreanschool@gmail.com) 로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.
Registration for the 2024-2025 elementary program
NEW students: Parents can complete a *NEW* student registration form that can be found on the IILP website:https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/a2ce29ff498144719e07f6b9e146deb7
Returning students: Parents should already have a very short form to confirm their re-registration for 2024-2025.
— English —
Student registration for 2024/25 has begun. Students newly entering the Korean language school should register through the link below, and students who were previously taking classes (returning students) at the Ottawa Korean community school should have already received a simple registration form by email from the school board. If there are any returning students who have not received the registration form, please contact Korean School (ottawakoreanschool@gmail.com).
Registration for the 2024-2025 elementary program
NEW students: Parents can complete a *NEW* student registration form that can be found on the IILP website:https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/a2ce29ff498144719e07f6b9e146deb7
Returning students: Parents should already have a very short form to confirm their re-registration for 2024-2025.
No school – Victoria Day long weekend
Notice for OKCS Summer Camp
We are currently checking with the school board, and we believe an update will be sent soon.
오타와한인회 (KCAO)와 주캐나다 대한민국 대사관에서는 차세대 진학 및 진로 세미나를 다음과 같이 공동으로 주최하니 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다 (포스터 첨부)
행사 일정:
날짜: 12월 1일 금요일
시간: 오후 5시- 8시
5-7시: 차세대 멘토링 및 세미나
7시 ~ : 한식 뷔페 및 네트워킹
장소: 주 캐나다 대한민국 대사관
참여 방법:
RSVP: ott.korean@gmail.com
그 밖의 문의사항은 대사관 이메일 canada@mofa.go.kr 로 연락주시기 바랍니다.
Dear OKCS parents
The Korean Community Association of Ottawa (KCAO) and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Canada are co-hosting the following Next Generation College and Career Seminar – poster attached. Schedule of events: Date: Friday, December 1 Time: 5pm – 8pm (5-7 : Mentoring and Seminar/ 7:00 ~: Korean buffet and network)Location: Embassy of the Republic of Korea in Canada
What you can expect from the program:How to participate:ott.korean@gmail.com For inquiries, please contact canada@mofa.go.kr
RSVP:Dear Parents,
In order to place students in the appropriate classes, we would appreciate it if all elementary school (kindergarten – 8th grade) students who have not yet registered register by September 2nd. When each student’s class assignment is decided, the homeroom teacher will send an email to parents individually.
1) If there are existing elementary school students who have not received the registration form individually sent by the school board (CECCE), please immediately notify the school by e-mail (ottawakoreanschool@gmail.com).
3) 9th grade (high school credit) and above will be held offline (Mr. Cho Nam-hee) and online classes (Mr. Woo Jin-ah) this semester. I would appreciate it if you would like to register offline when you apply for a class.
– High School Offline Venue: Collège catholique Franco-Ouest 411 Seyton Dr, Nepean, ON K2H 8X1 (Classroom to be announced later)
안녕하세요 학부모님,
모두 건강하고 행복한 새해 되시길 바라며,
아래와 같이 한글학교 2022-2023 학부모 총회 안내 드립니다.
자녀분들이 더욱 좋은 프로그램으로 한글과 한국 문화를 사랑할 수 있도록 지난 한 해를 돌아보고, 앞으로의 계획을 나누고자 합니다.
한글학교 운영 및 프로그램에 대한 소통 및 의견을 공유하는 자리인만큼 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
Dear Parents,
We hope you all are having a great start into the new year!
In order to continue providing healthy and fruitful programs for our students this year, we would like to hold a general meeting on Feb. 25 at the school library.
The purpose of this meeting is to review our 2022 school year and to share our plans for the future.
Please join us to learn more about the school operation and this year’s updates. We look forward to seeing you!
Warm Regards,
Ottawa Korean Community School